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This research seeks to examine the effect of liquidity management on deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study spanned from 2000-2017 which is 18 years study. The independent variables used for the study are liquidity ratio (LR), cash reserve ratio (CRR), loan –to-deposit ratio, and debt ratio (DR) while the dependent variable is returns on equity. Time series data were used and gotten from annual reports of the banks under study and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin 2017. The result revealed that the p-value of liquidity ratio (LR) is 0.0000, cash reserves ratio (CRR) is 0.000, loan-to-deposit ratio (LDR) 0.000, debt ratio (DR) 0.008. The result shows that all the independent variables have significant impact on returns on equity on deposit money banks in Nigeria because their p-values are all less than 5% significant level. 

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