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This paper describes information needs and information seeking behaviour of CSI Dental College Students in Madurai. There are 150 Questionnaires were distributed to students of CSI Dental College, Madurai. 180 filled questionnaires were received back by the students. There are 30 questionnaires were rejected due to incompleteness of answers. Hence 150 questionnaires were used for data analysis and interpretation the findings it is found that majority of the respondents belong to the age between 17 to 20 years, 28.67% of the respondents belong to the first years, 48% respondents visit the library once a week, 50.67% of the respondents seeking information from English newspapers, 55.33% respondents are using the library for preparing for competitive examination, 34.67% respondents learn and get aid from library staff, 54.67% respondents’ opinion about the overall satisfaction of library is good. 

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