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Organizational commitment is employee behavior relating to trust and strong acceptance of goals that include an element of loyalty and job involvement. Some of the factors that can increase organizational commitment are emotional intelligence and occupational self - efficacy. Emotional intelligence is ability a person controls and manages the feelings of himself and others. While occupational self - efficacy is an individual belief about the ability and competence in displaying good performance on various types of work . The purpose of this research is to test empirically the contribution of emotional intelligence and occupational self- efficacy to organizational commitment to insurance agents. This research is a quantitative research. The sample in this study were130 respondents to the 60 men and 70 women aged 18-56 years. Discrimination power test of emotional intelligence measuring instrument shows on the 33 items tested contained 24 items that have a good discrimination items that are in the range of 0,302 to 0, 656, emotional intelligence reliability test results of 0, 844 . Discrimination power test of occupational self- efficacy shows from 6 items tested try there are 6 items that have a good discrimination item that is in the range of 0, 473 to 0, 629, the reliability test results of occupational self- efficacy of 0, 801 . The discriminatory power test of the organizational commitment measure shows that from 18 tested items thereare 15 items that have good discrimination items that are in the range 0, 373 to 0,692 , the results of the organizational commitment reliability test of 0, 861 . Test reliability is done by using alpha cronbach technique. Hypothesis test using multiple linear regression technique which yields a significance value of 0,000 (  0.005). The result of this study shows the accepted hypothesis, which shows that there is a very significant contribution between emotional intelligence and occupational self-efficacy to organizational commitment to insurance agents. at PT. Prudential Life Assurance.

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How to Cite
Sitorus, F. D. (2018). The Contribution of Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Self-Efficacy on Organizational Commitment of Insurance Agents in PT. Prudential Life Asurrance. International Journal for Social Studies, 4(2), 19-26.